Site Seeing – Week Five

Ninite – Easy PC Software Installations

Auto installs your selection of useful programs after that inevitable Windows install.. It’s even clever enough to prevent it installing those nasty bundled toolbars! (via @fry15)

Font Fonter – Preview Fonts On Any Site

From fontshop, this tool lets you preview a selection of their fonts on any webpage of your choice. Try in FF Duper Web.

Sharekit – Open source, drop-in share features for all iOS apps

Enables sharing via Delicious, Email, Facebook, Google Reader, Instapaper, Pinboard, Read It Later, Tumblr, Twitter and more! Just simply copy the files into your iOS app. The whole UI can be customised and it’s open source!

Site Seeing – Week Four

Google Font Directory

Bit late to the party with this one, but the Google Font Directory has some great open source fonts that can be included in your webpages incredibly easily. They host the whole solution and it’s a few basic lines of CSS to get some fancy fonts on your site. My personal favourites include Inconsolata and Lobster.

Experimental Gummy Bear Surgery–Other–Gear.html

Some great gummy bear transpants!

Experimental Gummy Bear Surgeries

Experimental Gummy Bear Surgeries

For Zebras

Think the photo says it all, check out Spud Comics for more.

For zebras it's not a party until someone brings the barcode scanner cartoon

by Lonnie Easterling

Site Seeing – Week Two

Sikuli – Screenshot Based Computer Automation

Sikuli is a visual technology to search and automate graphical user interfaces (GUI) using images (screenshots).

Probably not the most efficient way to automate tasks, but an interesting one nonetheless, hard to explain what it does, but if you’re interested in computer automation, watch the demos.

Hilite – Source Code Highlighter

Hilite converts your code snippets into pretty-printed HTML format, easily embeddable into blog posts, emails and websites.

Hilite produces html + css for code snippets, a quick (and dirty) way of inserting code samples into web pages. It supports a lot of languages, from ActionScript to YAML!

PrimerCSS – Base Style Sheet Generator

Primer undercoats your CSS by pulling out all of your classes and id’s and placing them into a starter stylesheet.

Haven’t used this yet, but can see it coming in handy.

Flipping Typical – In-Browser Font Comparison

A nice visual way of playing around with the fonts in the browser.

have a song: Cut Copy – Out There On The Ice (spotify)