Site Seeing – Week Four

Google Font Directory

Bit late to the party with this one, but the Google Font Directory has some great open source fonts that can be included in your webpages incredibly easily. They host the whole solution and it’s a few basic lines of CSS to get some fancy fonts on your site. My personal favourites include Inconsolata and Lobster.

Experimental Gummy Bear Surgery–Other–Gear.html

Some great gummy bear transpants!

Experimental Gummy Bear Surgeries

Experimental Gummy Bear Surgeries

For Zebras

Think the photo says it all, check out Spud Comics for more.

For zebras it's not a party until someone brings the barcode scanner cartoon

by Lonnie Easterling

Site Seeing – Week Three

Css Desk – An Online CSS Sandbox

A great web app for playing around with HTML and CSS in the browser, would be interesting to see if it works on the iPad.

Pictaculous – A Colour Palette Generator

Pictaculous (from MailChimp) lets you upload or email a photo and then generates a colour palette from it. You can email ( straight from your iPhone and get a reply complete with your colour palette results. It also suggestion palettes from kuler and COLOURlovers.

A Comparison of Dedicated Servers By Company

This chart from Intac shows the ridiculous amount of servers Google are estimated to have:

Chart showing the comparison of dedicated servers

Who owns the most servers?

You made it this far, have a song – Metronomy – You Could Easily Have Me (spotify)