Get 250mb free whether you’re a current user or not!
New Users
If you sign up with a link from an existing user, both of you get 250mb in addition to the 2gb given with free accounts – Sign up now – free!
If you don’t know what dropbox is, I highly recommend it, it syncs your files to the cloud seamlessly, and offers a month’s revisions on all files synced as well!

Current Users
If you currently use dropbox and haven’t yet been instated as a ‘Dropbox Guru’- login and go to and 250mb is added to your account, even if you’re already at the maximum for free accounts! You must complete 5 out of the 6 steps on the page to qualify (but most users already do).
Update 17/03/10: send dropbox a video saying what you like about it and get 500mb added to your account! If they like it you can also win a t-shirt! (now closed)
Update 29/03/10: dropbox has upped the maximum free space to 10gb if you refer your friends- (250mb per friend!).