Good last minute gift for far away family members

These digital photo frames from nixplay have a twist – they’re cloud enabled so friends and family can send photos to you from anywhere in the world.

They’re pretty simple to setup on WiFi and you approve who can send you pics, through their mobile app or by emailing.

A good gift to stay connected to family with what you’ve been up to.

When you send a picture to it sends a nice notification on the screen saying Ben just sent you 5 photos when you’re next in the room – there’s a motion sensor that can turn the screen off when you’re not around. If you’re classy you’ll leave the transitions off.

[amazon_link asins=’B012FMPKOG,B012MPFDUW,B00JEX926C’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’visat-21′ marketplace=’UK’ link_id=’480df7a6-697e-11e7-a4a8-354f169907b2′]

Apple Pay on vending machines increases sales by 36.5% 


Digital advertising on USAT’s ePort Interactive platform that highlight Apple Pay availability at point-of-sale resulted in a:

  • 36.5% increase in overall sales
  • 44.6% increase in total transactions
  • 6% increase in total contactless average ticket; 18% at week 20
  • 55.5% increase in revenue through contactless purchases, including Apple Pay; 121% at week 20
  • 135.2% increase in overall mobile payment usage

A report at Business Wire highlights how simply mentioning Apple Pay at an already contactless vending machine increases sales.

With fewer and fewer cash payments, vending machines where beginning to take the path of phone boxes. Contactless payments through your phone make them feel useful again.

App Store business model shifting to advertising 


Starting in 2012 advertising in my apps made up around 10% of sales whereas now it is nearly 80%. That increase has come almost entirely from a near collapse of my paid upfront sales (with my in-app purchase income largely unchanged).

David Smith, one of the most successful indie app developers has been extensively tracking his income sources over the past four years and has some great findings in his Evolving App Store Business Models article.

Worried about charging your iPhone 7 whilst playing music? 


With the new iPhone set to remove the headphone jack I’ve seen a lot of people concerned it’ll mean they can’t charge their phone whilst listening to music due to the dependancy on lightning headphones.

For the last year the Griffin iTrip Aux AutoPilot car charger has allowed you to connect just the lightning port to your iPhone and will charge your phone and supply audio through its inbuilt aux output:

Simply connect the Lightning connector to your iPhone, iPad or iPod and connect the AUX plug to the AUX-in jack on your car stereo.

Griffin Aux Lightning Car Charger

Whilst we make the transition to wireless this shows it is possible to charge and listen at the same time – we just need to wait for third party hardware to support it outside of the car…

Apple’s advice for your App Store product page 


When you update your app, your What’s New description is an opportunity to communicate directly with active users. If you added a feature or fixed a bug based on feedback or reviews, let your users know you’ve listened to them. List new features, content, or functionality in order of importance, and add call-to-action messaging that gets users excited about the update.

I particularly enjoyed Apple’s suggestion about What’s New text on the App Store Product Page. If only the App Review team enforced it – we’d no longer see We update this app every two weeks to bring you great features or miscellaneous bug fixes.